"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night

Some people are just born blessed . For example , there are some young men who can throw a baseball 95 mph. I have thrown baseballs my whole life and  never came near 95 on my best days. A young pitcher throwing  95’s generates a lot of attention . Crowds come to see his games. People expect him to sail right to the major leagues and  enjoy years of  fame and fortune. But when this blessed athlete arrives at a major league camp in spring training, he finds there are 25 guys who can throw 95 mph. Additionally, there are plenty of hitters who can hit a 95 MPH fastball 400 feet.  At this moment, our blessed pitcher learns his evolutionary advantage of being able to throw 95 mph is no longer enough.  A pitcher has to distinguish himself beyond throwing hard. He has demonstrate command of the fastball, establish secondary pitches, throw strikes with all the pitches, and change  speed of his pitches  in order to be successful at this level . Each level to the top of the pyramid is steeper and requires more  skills.  Throwing 95’s is an enormous evolutionary advantage but it is not enough.  And the same concept holds for beauty.

This week  in The Bachelor , Ari will  have a couple of group dates and a one on one with Lauren S.  We have not seen much of  Lauren S but you can see she is such that most guys would be knocking on her door.  

Lauren S 

But during her date with Ari she is all over the place. It is a first date and she seems to be trying to have Ari catch up on 27 years or so or her life. Bachelor Nation is not having it and is praying Lauren reels in some sense and be a bit more comfortable with the process of getting to know someone. All we feel in Bachelor Nation is this chick, despite her beauty is way off the beam . No one in Bachelor Nation thinks she can stick around.

Ari has reached the same conclusion and starts eating  the dinner which is a first in Bachelor . Despite all the one on one dates placed in a dinner setting no one actually ever ate anything . But tonight Ari let the Nation know he had checked out. To our immense relief, Ario declines  to give Lauren a rose and she escapes  back to her hometown in Texas.

But what have we learned? We learned having beauty is not going to be enough. Lauren got a chance to pitch but despite the evolutionary advantage of her beauty she did not have command of her fastball , secondary pitches or change of speeds . Or rather, she did not show warmth, focus, a sense of humor, a touch of mystery or any charisma. We are in the mate selection process here and the complexities of attraction go beyond the pure physical attraction.

The producers select  attractive woman for this show- it is TV . So Ari has 20 attractive woman in the camp and he is going to want more than 95 mph in his search for love. (Had enough baseball metaphors yet?- only a month till pitchers and catchers report for spring training- just getting you ready! )

Gotta love the pups - Bekah seizes the moment

Later on ,we see Ari with Bekah. Previously I mentioned that  Bekah was very young - maybe 15 years younger than Ari. Yet she seems very comfortable with Ari and adopts what appears to Bachelor Nation  to be a clever strategy. She tells Ari that she believes  Ari  is interested in her because she is "unsafe". She suggests other candidates and perhaps previous girlfriends express they "need" him. She maintains she is not like that and does not  need him. Bachelor Nation and Ari believe her. She has presence and charisma and poise. Bekah who is by far the youngest competitor, has somehow portrayed herself as hard to get on a show where 20 others are doing all they can for Ari's interest.  Ari is happy with her fastball and is impressed with her secondary  pitches and change of speed. ( ok I will stop with the baseball now)  She will go further and  her "stuff" will get promoted to the next level.( ok -this time I promise )

Now let's contrast Bekah with Annaliese. Last week I thought Annaliese demonstrated  some Munchausen syndrome as she reported a traumatic event in a bumper car event in the past. This whine seemed directed to get Ari's attention and he did indeed respond as the kind encouraging guide in the demolition derby.  Somehow Annalise got a rose last week and arrived to play this week.

One  group date event is centered around dogs. There will be a dog show . They even bring in Fred Willard to commentate as Fred was in the movie Best in Show years back. I love dogs too and our dog barks when she sees doesn't like someone in The Bachelor ( looking at you Nick the Weasel).


Anyway, Bachelor Nation is a bit forgiving and is willing to give Annaliese another chance . But as soon as we hear the group date will involve dogs- our girl begins to wail.  yep- she had had a traumatic experience with dogs too. Arrghhh - is there anything that does not trigger memory of traumatic experience ???

Annaliese crying about the bumper cars trauma 

Annaliese petrified to play with dogs 

Well at this point I hope she is not told it might rain because well she must had had a traumatic experience when it rained one day. This is not a chick that did three tours in Iraq. But she is so fragile. The Bachelor is not a place to have a bunch of phobias. I hope Ari lets her go before the rose ceremony or else  her friends can expect to hear of a traumatic experience with roses. Mercifully he soon "walks her out".

On to next week...


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