“No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.” -Stephen King, The Stand


The story line of Stephen King's The Stand illustrates the total breakdown of society after the accidental release of a strain of influenza that had been modified for biological warfare causing an apocalyptic pandemic which kills off the majority of the world's human population.

We are left with two groups of survivors. A 108 year old , Abagail Freemantle—better known as "Mother Abagail"—becomes the spiritual leader for one group of survivors. Mother Abagail directs them to Boulder, Colorado, where they struggle to re-establish a democratic society called the "Free Zone."

Meanwhile, another group of survivors is drawn to Las Vegas by Randall Flagg, an evil being with supernatural powers. Flagg's governance is brutally tyrannical, using gruesome methods of torture and execution to quell dissent. Flagg's group is able to quickly reorganize its society, restore power to Las Vegas, and rebuild the city with the many technical professionals who have migrated there. Flagg's group launches a weapons program, searching what remains of the United States for suitable arms.  ( not sure if King had Dick Cheney in mind for this character)  

So we have the stage stet for the epic battle between good and evil. And last week on the Bachelor we saw a promo which Ari sets up a  two on one date with Krystal and Kendall with at least one of them going home. All week long Bachelor Nation has anticipated the battle with  fear (  Oh no another week of Krystal!) and hope( Please keep Kendall around !) .  Those of you who observe the stock markets action of the past week can readily attest  that fear is a stronger emotion than hope. Bachelor Nation spent the whole week in dread petrified that there will be more of "The Krystal Apocalypse".

The Stand tees up a confrontation between  Flagg's group and  the Free Zone.  A dying Mother Abigail sends 4 of her leaders to confront Flagg. However, Stu (our hero) breaks a leg on the way and is left behind  while the remaining three are taken prisoner by Flagg's army. Flagg  gathers his entire collective to witness the executions. Moments before they are to be killed, a rebellious henchman ,the Trashcan Man ,arrives with a stolen nuclear warhead. Flagg conjures a magical ball of energy in an attempt to silence the dissenter, but it is transformed into a giant glowing hand—"The Hand of God"—which detonates the bomb, destroying Las Vegas and killing all of Flagg's followers, as well as the prisoners. There seems to be karma even in the apocalypse.


After the blast, the inhabitants of Boulder anxiously await the birth of a baby by Frances Goldsmith. They fear that the child may not possess an immunity to the super flu and may die, implying a permanent end to humanity. ( maybe King did have Dick Cheney in mind )  Soon after she gives birth to a live baby, Stu returns to Boulder, having been rescued first by dog Kojak ( We love dog's that rise to the occasion) . The baby, Peter, manages to fight off the Super flu. The novel ends with Fran and Stu questioning whether the human race can learn from its mistakes. The answer, given in the last line, is ambiguous: "I don't know."

 Bachelor Nation share the questioning but this time about Ari- has he learned enough about Krystal to not make a mistake that will shatter Bachelor Nation??


Finally, it's go time and Krystal and Kendall head to French chateau where  our boy Ari preps us by reporting this date is a chance for Krystal to redeem herself from last week meltdown and a chance where he might be able to determine if Kendall is ready for marriage. The preamble makes Team Kendall squirm.  Ari opens with Krystal . Demonstrating  the most sincerity we have seen  thus far,  he tells Krystal he would always her to come to him first if she has any problems.    Krystal apologizes for her rant and offers she would never risk all the color and texture of their relationship. At this point I groan. Summy barks at the screen and we think Krystal has somehow melted Ari and hey are back to making out .. Where is Mother Abigail when we need her?
 But then Krystal makes a mistake. To use a football reference , she took some points off the board. Rather than take the field goal she opted to try for the touchdown but threw an interception. She uses the moment to try to sabotage Kendall by offering to Ari the suggestion that Kendall isn't ready to get married.

The Contestants 

Ari meets with Kendal and gives up Krystal relating that Krystal doubts Kendall is ready for marriage. Kendall holds serve and responds with confidence she is ready of the right guy is there and she would like to find out if Ari is the right guy.

Ari sits with the ladies but determines he needs more time to get clarity so Bachelor Nation waits a bit longer to see if  the Randall Flagg of the Bachelorettes will win out and humanity will be doomed for another week. in the meantime Kendall and Krystal wait it out  near a fountain in the chateau. At this  point Kendall should harbor major league caliber resentment for Krystal trying to sabotage Kendall's relationship with Ari. But instead, Kendall gently tells Krystal that Krystal tells hurtful things when her back is against  the wall. Kendall says she understands Krystal just wants to win but you don't win by diminishing  others.  Krystal digs in and replies "I have no words ". Summy barks every time Krystal  speaks now as Summy recognizes Krystal can't  recognize the maturity and emotional wisdom of Kendall to make any change in her behavior.

Ari arrives at the dinner and like the survivors of the Free Zone  in the Stand we "still don't know".  Finally he pulls the trigger and --Kendall gets the rose !  Maybe mankind can learn  from its mistakes. Good triumphs  and Team Kendall rejoices.

Despite surviving this battle ,Kendall still has a long road uphill. Several other seem to have higher spots on the leaderboard . I am firmly in Camp Kendall but Ari is the one making the choices here and he seems to have Lauren, Becca, Bekah and Tia in his final four.



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