"After three days men grow weary of a wench, a guest and weather rainy "- Ben Franklin

This fish  was dinner the night of the catch 

While hobnobbing ( what a great word)  in London and Paris, Ben Franklin was asked by a young lady  : “Are you married ?” 
“ Yes”, Franklin is said to have replied, “But I am not a fanatic about it.”

Ben would have loved being The Bachelor ( forgiving  his marital status as a disqualifier) as he had quite a reputation back in the day  for his extra curricular activities.In fact there was a verse circulating around him :

"Franklin tho” plagued  with fumbling age
Needs nothing to excite him
But is too ready to engage
When younger arms invite him"

Ben - he should have a rose 
Seems the idea of crowning Washington as father of our country may have been hasty given Franklin’s credential in that arena.
For a moment, let's imagine Ben is our bachelor and he chats up the young contestants. As he gets to know them he would have occasions to drop his quotes on the chicks:

Let's imagine these scenarios:

While getting ready to send a weak candidate packing : "“We are all born ignorant ,but one must work hard to remain stupid.”

Or while sitting for dinner with a young lovely: “Wine is constant  proof that god loves us and loves to see us happy."

After an athletic competition where the ladies strive to win : “Well done is better than well said “

After a lady contestant  demonstrates a skill of sorts:“Hide not your talents . They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?”

After ushering  a disappointed  contestant away after declining to offer a rose : “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.”

No doubt, Ben  would have kept Bachelor Nation on edge waiting for his clever commentary.

But if Ben were around for this season he would have several quotes for Krystal who has been presented  as the mother of all villains. This weeks episode was basically a highlight show of Krystal offending the other girls in the competition, Ari,  all of Bachelor Nation , the animal kingdom( our dog growls when Krystal  is on) , and well everyone .

The quote to open this weeks recap was considered with Krystal  in mind. Three days with Krystal would be  far more than most of us could take. But here are a couple more insights  from  Ben as he considers Krystal :

“The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.” ( Krystal is by far the worst wheel of the cart) 

“How few there are who have the courage enough to own  their own faults ,or resolution  enough to mend them.”  ( It is always somebody else's fault with Krystal)

"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards .”  Meatloaf would have it right if married to Krystal  "and now I'm praying for the end of  time ...." 

“Any fool can criticise,condemn and complain- and most fools do.”   Looking at you Krystal !

This weeks show made for tough watching unless one likes whining  and diva like behavior. The producers must want us to be so sick of Krystal they kept her around for another week  so we can cheer when she is given the boot . Next week the troop heads Paris. There will not be a "We'll always have Paris"  moment for our boy Ari and Krystal.

My leaderboard after this week:

Becca ( from Minnesota ) and Lauren  from Texas share my top seed
Up in third is Tina  from Arkansas who is my top seed to be the next bachelorette.
In 4th , but not likely to hold serve there  is the mom from Portland, Maine  Chelsea.

Bekah the Young is likely to have the timing  difference catch up to her eventually. 
I am pulling for Kendall  but she  does not seem to be getting much traction. 



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