"The heart wants what the heart wants" - your faithful correspondent

Rachel and Nick dance in the streets of New Orleans

The past two weeks has been helpful winnowing down the candidates in Nick the Weasel’s journey for love.  The producers send Nick and the ladies down to New Orleans hoping the festive atmosphere offers the right setting for our boy and his team of love candidates. To start the festivities, we have a one on one date with Rachel, the attorney from Dallas,Texas. They eat local food, dance in the streets and have an all around good time. Nick is stunned that he is so taken by Rachel as we have rarely seen him so enthused.  Rachel is a conduit for joy and we can understand Nick's enthusiasm. Rachel impresses Bachelor Nation with her warmth, charm , looks and athleticism. I suggest Rachel is being set up to be the next Bachelorette rather than the final rose recipient even as she appears to be a atop the leaderboard for Nick’s final rose.

Rachel showing some athleticism

Nowhere during the show do the producers choose to opt for some detail on the rich history of New Orleans.  For example. Lee Harvey Oswald was a New Orleans  guy. Were he to have been a candidate on the bachelorette would the producers have listed his occupation as "Assassin"? Or how about "Former assassin"?  Or even "Assassinated assassin" ?  Does one act define a person for life? I think in his case it does. 

This concept reminds us of Warren Buffets admonition about behavior “ It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”  It is pretty clear Lee Harvey may have benefit from some better career advice.

Lee Harvey Oswald

But these Bachelor candidates have almost the reverse circumstance:  they have very limited time to make their impression on Nick the Weasel  for a gig that is perceived to last a lifetime. Although to be fair , Nick’s idea of the long term seems to be about 3 weeks.

Raven, Taylor and Vanessa

At the start of the episode we have a little quarreling between Corinne  our favorite villain  and Taylor (our Hopkins grad who wants to keep reminding everyone that she has a degree from Johns Hopkins and we don’t)

Bachelor Nation is already tired of this squabble but we  expect some conclusion when  we learn Nick will take them on a 2 on 1 data after the group date. At best only one stays ..so win or go home.

For the group date we head to an old antebellum mansion which is supposedly occupied by a ghost of an  8 year old who died back around 1840. We have some silly staged items with lights going out and a ouija board and eventually Nick gives Danielle L a rose and we get on to the battle between Taylor and Corinne.

Nick takes the ladies to the bayou  I wonder if Nick will ask that old interview question “If you were an animal what would you be?” –Corinne would be in character answering "alligator".

At this point it seems we are going thru the presidential election again with Corinne suggesting it is time to “Make America Corinne again”  while Taylor condescends to everyone while touting she “will always take the high road”. At this point we hope Nick leaves them both in the bayou – snakes, alligators .... something save us from this .

Taylor, Nick and Corinne

Nick splits his time between the ladies who use the time to make their case to get Nick’s vote and disparage their opponent . I am almost expecting Corinne to offer to lower taxes  and cut regulations .  Taylor makes a rookie mistake and just whines and complains thus making the choice easy for Nick.  Sitting between the antagonists, Nick offers a rose to Corinne who cheerfully accepts her rose and is readying an acceptance speech  about how pleased she has Nick’s support. I hope she has some good people lined up for her cabinet wedding party.

This episode ends with Taylor pouting  and pondering  running again   another talk with Nick. So as Nick is dining with Corinne to enjoy a post election victory  dinner Taylor drops by asking to talk with Nick.  The producers must think we care about Taylor or are really trying their best  to make this a complete metaphor for the political scene and we should see protesters lining up outside about Nick’s choice . But Taylor showing up is not quite the cliff hangers we enjoy in Poldark ( a BBC show we love) but now we have to worry about voter fraud  what Taylor may  reveal. Perhaps  Corinne  was in Moscow with paid companions????

Somehow we manage to survive  the suspense  for an entire week while Taylor stands by Nick asking to talk. ABC seems not to realize we have this sort of suspense every day now so this better be good .   Taylor opens with Corinne lied and seemed ready to tell us she had sincere thoughts about Bernie Sanders . Nick thankfully cuts her off and then offers he has more ‘to explore” with Corinne.  Bachelor nation is surely clued in to what Nick means by “explore”   so we can finally put Taylor in a limo and hopefully she does not run for mayor of NYC   go on bachelor in paradise.

Pondering "Exploring"

We open this weeks episode with a rose ceremony as it seems to Bachelor Nation Nick has a pretty good idea which of the ladies has potential to go the distance.

We send home Alexis, the chick who seeds Nicholas Cage as her biggest fear and two others we have barely met and the field is shrinking.

We are going to meet Kristina, a girl who grew up in an orphanage in Russia but was adopted at 12 and came to America. I am expecting to hear ABC mention this is occurred before the travel ban as they can’t stop themselves now.


Kristina remembers being told at the time of her adoption by an American family , “If you stay in Russia, it will be black and white. If you move to America, it will be in color.”  Nick is respectful of this story and gives Kristina a rose offering  “When I’m with you, I feel like you bring color to my life.” Years from now Kristina  will look back and realize this moment marked the high in the market for her.  Kristina offers a heartwarming story but I doubt Nick is feeling the love. Thanks for dropping by though.

Next the producers set up Danielle L and Whitney ( a tall brunette we have barely seen)for a two on one date  while the rest  take us on a group date to a beach in St Thomas.

Vanessa and the volleyball game 

The other ladies just melt down as they see their agenda being sacrificed to the group. Vanessa who seemingly is the mature one of the group almost playing a role of den mother seems to be in heavy whining mode . Jasmine just is ready to explode and wants to scream ou for attention. Jasmine gets Nick along and uses it to complain about not getting a chance and Nick saves us all some time and walks her to the end of the beach  no rose for you! Hop in the limo Jasmine.

By all accounts the day is a mess  ( but hey we had the exciting Super bowl and Gaga last night so we are not depressed)  So Nick regroups for his two on one date with Whitney and Danielle L.

Bye Danielle L

We finally get a few minutes with Whitney but she can’t catch up to the other girls who have built something of a relationship  and Nick sends Whitney home. Danielle L gets dinner knowing Whitney has left . Danielle  L feels good and offers she is feeling the love. Nick asks her what she wants in a relationship and Danielle L , ever pleasant, goes with love and trust. Nick offers he is looking for ”raw". Now this is something as Nick is actually exposing himself a bit as opposed to being an interviewer with kissing options . Bachelor Nation recalls he asked Kaitlyn to marry him. Kaitlyn was a funny, loud and a "raw" type of chick. She was not predictable or soft. In fact, you were pretty likely to be embarrassed on occasion by Kaitlyn but should take many things as a joke. Well hearing this, we know Danielle L is not that kind of chick. She is sweet and polite but not “raw”.  Nick’s face was grim and he looked as if he were about to announce to Danielle L her family had been wiped out in a tornado. So the limo is outside for Danielle L and we are down to 6. I seed Vanessa #1 Rachel #2 ( but top seed for the next bachelorette which is the bigger win) and  Corinne # 3

Danielle M still playing

Can Nick make the jump to love?

But this Raw comment has made me ponder.  It is tough to be involved with a raw personality over the long haul as it takes a lot of energy to keep up with a “raw” partner . Corinne is certainly raw but with raw comes some other bonus features . I suspect we will see if Vanessa has this quality soon. But one thing about this mate selection process -the heart wants want the heart wants- and now we have an idea that Nick wants something specific and it is raw - so say goodbye to soft and pretty and say hello to loud and raucous.














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