"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek"- Romeo and Juliet

Draining the swamp the old fashioned way

We have hometown visits this week as Nick's journey for love takes him to visit the families of the four remaining candidates. The hometowns offer a bit of reality into the equation so this action can offer our boy Nick some insight into a possible future..

The family is a very important element of the mate selection process . Some say if you want to know what the girl will be like in 25-30 years then have a look at the mother ...Others make the case one marries into a family .... I am reminded of the mate selection process in some cultures is left to the parents  -recall the matchmaker song in Fiddler on the Roof - a bit different than the process brought to us  by the producers of the bachelor.

Matchmaker Matchmaker make me a match

Raven Visit:
We see Raven introduce Nick to Southern hospitality and fun by riding a quad around and ending up in a swamp. Nick shows he is ever vigilant in making out anywhere-anytime and readily displays  his game in the swamp as pictured above. I have to admit the swamp is not on my "go-to"  list of best places for making out --wait - you are asking - I have a list ????

Raven offers Nick a taste of how the locals of Hoxie, Arkansas enjoy themselves before they proceed to meet Mom and Dad. In contrast to the world  of The Bachelor with yachts in the Caribbean, helicopters and five star hotels , Raven's family has a vastly different reality .Dad has been through a wrenching experience with cancer. The good news though is forthcoming  as a recent exam pronounced Dad cancer free and Bachelor Nation is touched. We like Mom and Dad and when Raven offers a tear asserting she  wants only  her dad to walk her down the aisle for her wedding we are choked up. This visit is actually quite touching in offering Bachelor Nation some perspective.

Raven has emerged in my mind as the closest personality to Kaitlyn. As background, Kaitlyn was the second  Bachelorette with whom Nick declared his love.  Kaitlyn however chose Shaun for her final rose  and what we hear is an engagement . But the extension of thought here is that if Nick's "type" is Kaitlyn then he wants a big personality and some spunk. Raven is young but does bring spunk.
Raven is savvy and holds back a bit . She  does not fall for the trap of professing her great love for Nick and holds back dropping the L word on our boy. She has graduated from dark horse to I think the new favorite in the rose sweepstakes.

Rachel Visit:

We have thought Rachel the class of the pool from the  beginning . However, the announcement of Rachel being selected as the next Bachelorette takes her out of the running for the final rose so we are watching the equivalent of Dead Candidate Stalking. The producers though push things a bit to actually notice there is a racial difference in the couple. We do not get to see Rachel's dad ( a judge ) weigh in but I figure as long as he sentences Nick to no more appearances on any Bachelor franchise show I will be happy.

Rachel is going to make a terrific Bachelorette but our knowing she will be eliminated soon takes the element of uncertainty out of the visit . We enjoy the visit and applaud the handling of the race distinction but we know there are only three left.

Corinne Visit:

As we proceed to Miami to meet Corinne's family and hopefully her nanny, I am thinking that the hometowns are really a reality intrusion. Instead of determining how much fun snorkeling in the Bahamas can be. The question is emerging what will Nick do for a living? It has been years since he has a job other than being on the bachelor. I can imagine the resume now and job interviews now:

Recruiter : "So can you tell me about your strengths?"
Nick:           "I am very good at riding on yachts and making out in helicopters. I am very charming  and woman love me . Also I am very modest."

 Recruiter: " So can you describe your greatest weakness?"
Nick:         "Well I am bit of a weasel"

Anyway, I have to admit I was looking forward to "meeting" Corinne's family. Corinne  starts out by taking "us" shopping at various high end stores where she is one a first name basis with all the salespeople. So lets retract this idea of reality intruding now because Corinne lives a life like the bachelor show. Spend a few grand at the mall? "Hey I liked that $600 sweatshirt ..."

I now have a good idea of what the Kardashian shows  and "Real Housewives" shows have spawned in our youth. Corinne has no boundaries but in her defense is really an upbeat and happy chick. She is having a lot of fun and we can't help but warm up to her a bit despite a season of rolling our eyes at her words and actions. She has embraced her role and tossed out convention. She is not filtering any impulses on the show and I suspect off camera as well.

Shopping with Corinne

Nick is swept away and if he likes "raw" well he is getting all the raw he wants today. He might  feel a bit overwhelmed and may be wondering how he could possible afford being married to a shopper with no limits but for today he is rolling with it.

We meet the family and Nanny Raquel. This family is what one might expect from our watching Corinne this season . Dad is a big personality  but the Raquel the  nanny gets a window to weigh in and admonishes Nick not to hurt Corinne who is like a daughter to her.
Well, Corinne's is not an ordinary family and we find ourselves liking Corinne now-who knew ??
Corinne mentions to Nick she loves him but I wonder about this standard and think back to Fiddler on the Roof  and the song "Do you Love me ?"

Fiddler : Do you love me?

But do you love me?
Do I love him?
For twenty-five years I've lived with him
Fought with him, starved with him
Twenty-five years my bed is his
If that's not love, what is

Then you love me?

I suppose I do

And I suppose I love you too

It doesn't change a thing
But even so
After twenty-five years
It's nice to know

Somehow I think love will be  a bit different for  Corinne than Golde.

Vanessa visit :

Vanessa is the Billy Beane of the bachelorettes. Back in 1981 Billy Bean was a first round draft pick of the New York Mets. He was faster than everyone, had power, great arm - a cant miss player. he could have gone to Stanford and played quarterback -just a fantastic athlete. He looked the part  of the fabulous player.  But he never did well in the major leagues. In fact, he was a bust as a player given the expectations and the physical tools he possessed. All the scouts  were stunned given the physical tools and his previous game experience. But something was missing - he did not  have an unwavering confidence in his abilities and soon was struggling and eventually cut. He did find himself as a general manger and often evaluated a player but was able to overlook the physical presentation of a player and whether or not the guy could play. He mentioned he was not looking for guys to model jeans guys who could play baseball.

Vanessa came out of the blocks looking as if Bachelor Nation would immediately grant her the final rose. She was beautiful, spoke three languages, and was mature. We have held her in high esteem since the beginning but she has not grown.

Vanessa brings Nick to the school she teaches. we  meet her students ( adults with special needs) and they clearly adore her. Nick goes along and we learn he is left-handed -  I can also add that I love hearing her speak Italian

Vanessa's parents are divorced so we have two visits to make. At Mom's we  meet about 456 of Vanessa's closest friends family and Nick seems to win them over to Team Nick after various warnings about hurting Vanessa.

But when we visit Vanessa's dad, Nick gets less than a warm reception as Nick is asked if he asks ALL the dads for their the blessing . Nick hems and haws and admits yes he asks all the dads.
later Vanessa is disappointed to hear Nick has covered his bases with the other candidates.
We think Vanessa is a  bit  naïve thinking Nick only asked her dad for his blessing since this ritual has been part of many seasons hometowns. We leave with a gnawing sense that this relationship is not to be and Vanessa should start booking her trip to Bachelor in Paradise and take her chances with that crowd.

Andi -

After the Vanessa visit we see a lady walking down a hotel corridor. Lovely hair and high heeled shoes and we are led to believe it is Vanessa making a sneak appearance to visit Nick. But the door opens and it is not Vanessa it is Andi . Bachelor Nation recalls Andi was the bachelorette in Nick's first season the bachelor. Nick made it to the final 2 but Andi chose a guy named Josh. That relationship lasted about 3 hours after the season and Josh was back shopping last summer on Bachelor in Paradise .
Why is Andi here? The producers likely want us to think hey Andi is back and wants to insert herself. But I think not. I think Andi wanted to get more time in the spotlight.
as far as Andi and Nick together - nah -- this is likely to be more of a trusted advisor role

I think Andi is going to assume a role like that of Lord Melbourne to Queen Victoria. My guess is she will be supportive and tell him to trust his gut.


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