
Showing posts from February, 2018

“By the time you swear you're his, Shivering and sighing. And he vows his passion is, Infinite, undying. Lady make note of this -- One of you is lying.” ― Dorothy Parker

The Emperor Penguins in a courtship ritual   Nature presents some remarkable courtship processes as individuals select a partner in order to reproduce. We have some marvelous spectacles such as an eloquent dance by flailing the bluest of feet (Blue-Footed Bobbies) to elephant seals battling violently over access to the females. How can we not enjoy the touching courtship of the emperor penguins we saw in The March of the Penguins.  In nature and in the human world , we often see  males work tirelessly to advertise their strength, overall health, and mating desirability.   The Blue footed Boobies in their courtship dance  The Boobies  close  the dance with a big finsih Scientists have classified various models of sexual selection in the animal kingdom.The Good Gene model manifests itself when females tend to choose mates that display honest indicators of the male’s ability to pass on genes that will lead to greater future survival and reproductive success of her of

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - Vizzini in The Princess Bride

We are all familiar with Kodak. With a long history of technical progress in the field of photography, Kodak created the first digital camera. Kodak also anticipated that digital cameras would replace traditional cameras . Their business plan included adapting to the digital world but refused to execute it because they wanted to avoid product cannibalization. This turned out to be a huge strategic blunder and Kodak is  shell of its former self. The ladies competing for the Bachelors roses  have to have a strategy as well. A few seasons ago,  Courtney  won the final rose and was classified by some as  the "Bill Belichek of the Bachelorettes"  for her cagey strategic moves. Courtney -The Bill Belichek of the Bacholorettes Our boy Ari has the flock down to 7 candidates and in this week he has to reduce the pool to four.  Next Ari will visit the ladies in their hometown and meet the families so we are all prepared to understand this week is "crucial".

“No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.” -Stephen King, The Stand

Kendall The story line of Stephen King's The Stand illustrates the total breakdown of society after the accidental release of a strain of influenza that had been modified for biological warfare causing an apocalyptic pandemic which kills off the majority of the world's human population. We are left with two groups of survivors. A 108 year old , Abagail Freemantle—better known as "Mother Abagail"—becomes the spiritual leader for one group of survivors. Mother Abagail directs them to Boulder, Colorado, where they struggle to re-establish a democratic society called the "Free Zone." Meanwhile, another group of survivors is drawn to Las Vegas by Randall Flagg, an evil being with supernatural powers. Flagg's governance is brutally tyrannical, using gruesome methods of torture and execution to quell dissent. Flagg's group is able to quickly reorganize its society, restore power to Las Vegas, and rebuild the city with the many technical pr

"After three days men grow weary of a wench, a guest and weather rainy "- Ben Franklin

This fish  was dinner the night of the catch  While hobnobbing ( what a great word)  in London and Paris, Ben Franklin was asked by a young lady  : “Are you married ?”  “ Yes”, Franklin is said to have replied, “But I am not a fanatic about it.” Ben would have loved being The Bachelor ( forgiving  his marital status as a disqualifier) as he had quite a reputation back in the day  for his extra curricular activities.In fact there was a verse circulating around him : "Franklin tho” plagued  with fumbling age Needs nothing to excite him But is too ready to engage When younger arms invite him"   Ben - he should have a rose  Seems the idea of crowning Washington as father of our country may have been hasty given Franklin’s credential in that arena.      For a moment, let's imagine Ben is our bachelor and he chats up the young contestants. As he gets to know them he would have occasions to drop his quotes on the chicks: Let's ima