"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek"- Romeo and Juliet

Draining the swamp the old fashioned way We have hometown visits this week as Nick's journey for love takes him to visit the families of the four remaining candidates. The hometowns offer a bit of reality into the equation so this action can offer our boy Nick some insight into a possible future.. The family is a very important element of the mate selection process . Some say if you want to know what the girl will be like in 25-30 years then have a look at the mother ...Others make the case one marries into a family .... I am reminded of the mate selection process in some cultures is left to the parents -recall the matchmaker song in Fiddler on the Roof - a bit different than the process brought to us by the producers of the bachelor. Matchmaker Matchmaker make me a match Raven Visit: We see Raven introduce Nick to Southern hospitality and fun by riding a quad around and ending up in a swamp. Nick shows he is...