"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" Shakespeare ( Romeo and Juliet)

Vanessa and Nick We open this week with our #2 seed Vanessa chatting with Nick. Vanessa is uncomfortable with Nick’s cavorting with Corinne. Vanessa challenges Nick the Weasel to declare if he is looking for a wife or someone to *play* with. We know the weasel has no intention whatsoever of marrying Corinne but he surely does not want to give up his playtime either. Nick dials up the sincerity setting to HIGH and offers that he really cares what Vanessa thinks . Nick the weasel asks Vanessa to be patient with him. Translating this we see they really mean: Vanessa: “Jeez will you dump that slut already???” Nick: “Not yet, I am not done having my fun with her but stick around as I have plans for you too.” So we know right away that we will be seeing more of Corinne. Next have a Corinne intervention of sorts with two of the other ladies- Sarah and Taylor ( a Johns Hopkins grad who wants to make sure everyone in Bachelor Nation do...