
Showing posts from January, 2017

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" Shakespeare ( Romeo and Juliet)

Vanessa and Nick  We open this week with our #2 seed Vanessa chatting with Nick. Vanessa is uncomfortable with Nick’s cavorting with Corinne. Vanessa challenges Nick the Weasel to declare if he is looking for a wife or someone to *play* with.  We know the weasel has no intention whatsoever of marrying Corinne but he surely does not want to give up his playtime either. Nick dials up the sincerity setting to HIGH and offers that he really cares what Vanessa thinks . Nick the weasel asks Vanessa to be patient with him. Translating this we see they really mean: Vanessa:  “Jeez will you dump that slut already???” Nick: “Not yet, I am not done having my fun with her but stick around as I have plans for you too.” So we know right away that we will be seeing more of Corinne. Next have  a Corinne  intervention of sorts with two of the other  ladies- Sarah and  Taylor ( a Johns Hopkins grad who wants to make sure everyone in Bachelor Nation doesn’t forget that ). Sarah urges  

'“Love is like a child, That longs for everything it can come by”- Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona or anything to do with Corinne

A Group Date   Chris Harrison starts the episode off with a warning to the contestants that Nick’s attention will be limited given the two group dates and a one on one slated for the today's action. Chris ratchets up the tension in the room but soon we hear the first group date involves the Back Street Boys. We meet the “boys” who are now about mid 40’s and I wonder if they are going to appeal to any of the girls with daddy issues. But off we go to dance practice where my front runner  on  the leader-board Danielle L  wins over the crowd and Nick with her dance skills and actual dancer Jasmine  gets annoyed she doesn’t win the rose while lamenting  her prospects are diminishing .Nick meanwhile is already looking ahead to making his debut on Dancing with the Stars.  Nick preps for Dancing with the Stars  But our villain Corrine ( who represents herself as running  a million dollar business)  struggles with what she calls “planned dancing “. When she is out of st

“Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.” - Friar Lawrence, chastising Romeo for abandoning Rosaline for his new love, Juliet Capulet (Romeo and Juliet)

Bachelor 2017 Welcome to the Bachelor Recap for Nick’s season. The reality (cough cough) mate selection program. By way of background we are familiar with Nick. He was one of the final two contestants in Andi’s season (winner was Josh but that relationship lasted about 3 ½ hours after the final rose) as well as the final two in Kaitlyn’s season.   My take on him during both the seasons was he is best classified as a weasel. Supposedly, Nick went on redemption tour on bachelor in paradise but weasels generally don’t change their spots ( to mix in a few animal metaphors). But the   bachelor producers seems to know what they are doing in picking Nick (maybe he will be the first bachelor murdered on National TV-we can only imagine what they have in store for him. The season starts with a humorous acknowledgement that he is not universally adored by Bachelor Nation. Random strangers approach him in a “booth” as he is announced as next Bachelor and offer comments mentioning