
Showing posts from March, 2017

"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future" -Yogi Berra

Nick proposes to Vanessa Many of us regard sports as folklore. What captures our imagination is not simply the winning and losing. We love the stories. We embrace the stories of perseverance. We respect the stories of sheer will. We admire the stories of hard work. We cry at the stories of heartbreak. We are in wonder at the stories of miracles. We relish stories of triumph and tragedy. And finally, we root endlessly for the stories of comebacks. This season of the Bachelor has been presented as a sporting event by the producers who try to convey Nick’s “journey for love” as a miraculous comeback. The producers portray Nick as if he were an Olympic caliber swimmer who twice placed third by the narrowest of margins in the Olympic swimming trials. He endured the devastation of those disappointments and missed competing in the Olympics. But as the bachelor ,he was getting one final chance to qualify. We would be hard pressed not to root hard for such a swimmer who would have h

“Whoever loves, loves at first sight.” William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Can the Bachelor Ride into the sunset? The working premise of The Bachelor is that the last one standing in Nick's journey for love will earn his final rose and  perhaps an engagement.. However, Rachel has already been announced as the next Bachelorette even as she seems to me to have the most going for her so we are really down to three candidates. While Rachel is offering Bachelor Nation some insights into her growing affection for our boy  she mentions that Nick covers every box in her checklist.  I ponder this for a moment and consider  the approach of using a checklist to help make a determination in the mate selection process. Of course, everyone wants an attractive mate and lets throw in a few other defining characteristics such as smarts, sense of humor, attractive personality, nice family , perhaps athleticism and for good measure lets toss in an unappreciated bonus-smells good. Using this kind of approach,  the mate selection process takes on some of the ch